français english TRAVELLING MUSIC

The Artificial Sea

City Island
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City Island

Gloryhole, motherlode; it’s endless,
you’re colorless, odorless, freefall
brilliant narcissist
Like a shot in the dark
from our heavy, heavy hands -
it hits hard and they feel the shock
Gloryhole, motherlode; it’s endless
and I saw a sign, it said
‘the future is right this way’
So you get behind the barricades
Unless you want to play the war game
We are all
the stars of
all the conversations
The Light of 1000 Televisions
Fuck the words
Here comes the beat
Da da da da da....
I was amazed
that all you wanted was this...
little ‘da da da’
The promises of Friday nights
get messier to keep
The promises of Friday nights
get messier to keep
I was amazed that all you
wanted was this...
Lost in the Commotion (Tunnel Visions)
I was lost in the commotion
A crowded room - you were laughing hard
all like actors in some silent movie
make the rent and play your part
I was messy and feeling nervous
all my edges hanging out
and hands run over my back like fishes
(your tunnel vision has me all freaked out
the violins sound like violence and all
the words are dropping like bombs)
Did I see you standing by the broken
screen door?
Quietly smoking like there was no one here
at all?
You’re so good at seeing past people now
You’re so good at seeing past people now
Ride This Thing
(shotgun, stop light, brake hard, cop guard, green light, gas card, truck stop, turn on, shotgun, shop rite, quick check, green light, red light, moonlight, steak house, turn right, shhhh….)
sign in, sign out
white sheets
burn out
someday, somewhere
glow lights, joy ride
meet me at the crossroads
at the sign where the
deers cross
cars turn, wheels hit
like waves…
and oh, can you ride this thing?
oh, can you ride this thing?
straight on
can you ride this thing?
straight on…
Things We Spent
In the fake chill of summer
and the radiator heat
i sit down to write you a letter
just like the old fashioned days
back when time wasn’t money
or just something we spent
suddenly i am hallucinating
suddenly we are all made of stars
Happy Ending
i have time to give you
and not just digital words
when we’re sick of money spending
there’s just music in bed on a sunday afternoon
i tend i tend i tend to tell you…
no one wants our happy ending
they want love that got fucked up
and blew away
they want love that got messed up
and blew away
it’s not like there are never explosions
in joy and suffering gets old anyways
Come inside, the light is gone, the days are long...
I need this time to reach a sense of peace
deliverance is leaving
Fluorescent lights and metal so
polished it hurts to look at.
Here I am, finally, at home with you it’s easy
to turn it off drown it out shutter it in and zone out
I will be the woman on the horse waiting for you
at the outpost
Come along I’ll bring you in
tobacco stained and reeking
Map the scars all up your arms
and make a balm for the lesions
Never shake, it’s warm enough -
here’s something hot for you to drink down
Be the guest, be the one at the center
of attention
You’re getting so good at saying goodbye
every city you leave
and the people you were mapping out…
the person you’ll be…
with every milemarker…
and all the trees…
the 79 things you left in
her garage are
making new homes by now…
your ’75 Ford Falcon
you only got $1055
and you only told one lie
but the devil touched your heart
it turned to glass
and pied piper played a lustful tune you followed…
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