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Andrew Sweeny

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Monotone is a remedy for monotony. A rusty knife to monotonous systems of institutional and technological power that reduce the human into sub states. Not in eternity, nor in nothingness, but in ordinary life exists the beauty of the world.

We search endless mechanical solutions to abstract suffering our gnawingabstract unhappiness unlove mindless drift towards decomposition.

In the human city a sea of appearances and sensation where nothing where youare stimulated but not touched. Gigantic Amazon women on subway billboardspoint to absolute pleasure, that cannot be touched. Monotone would like to touch you, in your most intimate private moments. If is for YOU alone, not for public pornographic display.

Monotone is a radical critique of predisposition of mechanistic world built on stars and scapegoats specimen Christ and movie stars hanging in the air above the earth stars in cold dark space so far from the warmth of the sun

In an city without intimacy coupled Isolated units blindfolded like ones and zeros Sleepwalking suburban subhuman ciphers addicted to every kind of substitute experience living vicariously lurid opera of frenzied empty emotion

Monotone is primal simplicity and elemental beauty as One tone One world One sound One taste One single flower the colour blue An open ended circle with a line that cuts through it. (The line represents symbolic direction the circle the infinity of space The truth that is just this little blue flower)

Monotone is not directed towards an ideal and will not recreate redistribute package or filter emotion. Monotone is without additives preservatives or artificial colouring.

Monotone is not immediately apparent but slow awakening. Monotone does not seek to manipulate or control the listener but rather invites. The more simple and pointed the tone, the more color is suggested. Like a white mask of Kabuki theatre. Simple lines stark and white suggests a whole drama an entire cosmic event

The suggestion is what is essential it cannot be spelled out. The function of Monotone is to uncover a raw and bleeding heart.

Monotone is an invitation to stop the world and its mad drift towards extinction. An invitation to cut away mechanical reaction and automatic assessment and consummation.

Monotone is Art activity using any kitchen sink medium. As human becomes one colourful soup of mixed genes fragmented in so many directions the necessity of a unifying principals become apparent. We have need of a principal of limitation even if our aim is freedom of expression without limitation. We need to see our prison because our aim is liberation.

Constant stimulus and pleasure leads to the most extreme boredom as can be observed in "programmed" music monotone repetition of the drum a drug to stimulate fucking but without the warmth and compassion of Real Love and without even the nuance of sex relationship.

Everybody is dancing alone and fucking alone in substitute pleasure and the sex act it is usually the furthest thing from intimacy. With all our miraculous machinery sexuality is programmed. When we are ill at ease with our self image we must create another self which is like our own but programmed ideal. Monotone cuts trough this ideal. Monotone illuminates the reactivity sameness rituals modern life. These are the things we do without volition. Actions repeated even in our dreams.

Monotone is all kinds of jewels can be still found at the bottom of the muddy river in the lunar landscape in the inustry of twilight. Monotone is the One Sound in this age of emanations revelations and purification of monotone and liberty that is not in heaven or in hell but right here in the Human City.

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